Today we are going to give you the ingredients to make a Putting stroke
that will produce results.
1 part Putter
2 parts alignment
3 parts distance control.
4 parts grip
5 parts reading the Greens
12 parts confidence.

First you need a Putter that fits you well. Go to a PGA professional for a fitting or a club fitting specialist. Next you need to go to a Putting Green and practice these fundamentals:
1. Grip the putter with a light grip in a comfortable position.
2. Set up with your eyes over the ball.
3. The ball position should be slightly forward of the center of your stance.
4. Your stroke should move from your shoulders in a pendulum motion.
5. The length of the stroke should go back and through with no feeling of hitting the ball.
( A good drill for this would be to practice a few putts with your eyes closed. )
The Best way to learn to Read the Greens is to practice and observe others. I will tell
you a few items to look for. In Florida, the turf usually grows toward the setting sun which will affect the speed and movement of the ball.
Look for signs of what the architect designed in regards to drainage of the greens.
Above all pay attention to other putts for future knowledge.
Finally, the most important ingredient is to believe in yourself and stroke with a positive attitude. Best of luck and Successful Playing.
Thank you to Bonita National Golf Club for allowing me to use their Putting Green.